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Batch module

Batch processing utility functions. offers several of its services in a batch version. They all work the same: you start with a list of records and ask to process each component. Processing is component-wise independent and can be POSTed in a batch instead requesting for each component separately. Geoapify is able to distribute processing on its servers. You can use GET requests to ask if a job is completed. If it is, you can GET the results for a complete batch.


Source code in geobatchpy/
class BatchClient:

    def __init__(self, api_key: str):
        self._api_key = api_key
        self._lock = Lock()
        self._number_completed_jobs = 0
        self._total_number_jobs = 0
        self._headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
        self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def geocode(self, locations: List[Union[str, Dict]], batch_len: int = 1000, parameters: Dict[str, str] = None,
                simplify_output: bool = False) -> List[dict]:
        """Returns batch geocoding results as a list of dictionaries.

        Note: this whole process may take long time (hours), depending on the size of the input, the number of
        batches, and the level of your subscription. In such a case, it may make more sense to store
        the job URLs to disk, stop there, and continue later with monitor_batch_jobs_and_get_results.

        Note: as of this writing, you need to use parameters={'format': 'geojson'} to get results back that are
        consistent with the standard single-location geocoding endpoint. We have not made it a default for the
        batch version here to be consistent with Geoapify. But we strongly recommend to use GeoJSON.
        See for the GeoJSON specification and check the third party package geopandas to learn how
        to parse such objects for efficient analytics.

            locations: locations in a supported format as validated in parse_geocoding_inputs.
            batch_len: split addresses into chunks of maximal size batch_len for parallel processing.
            parameters: optional parameters as key value pairs that apply to all locations. See the Geoapify docs.
            simplify_output: if True, returns output in simplified format, including only top match per address.

            List of structured, geocoded, and enriched address records.
        inputs = parse_geocoding_inputs(locations=locations)

        results = self._batch_archetype(api=API_GEOCODE, inputs=inputs, params=parameters, batch_len=batch_len)

        if simplify_output:
            input_format = 'json' if parameters.get('format') is None else parameters['format']
            return simplify_batch_geocoding_results(results=results, input_format=input_format)
            return results

    def reverse_geocode(self, geocodes: List[Union[Tuple[float, float], Dict[str, float]]], batch_len: int = 1000,
                        parameters: Dict[str, str] = None, simplify_output: bool = False) -> List[dict]:
        """Returns batch reverse geocoding results as a list of dictionaries.

        Note: this whole process may take long time (hours), depending on the size of the input, the number of
        batches, and the level of your subscription. In such a case, it may make more sense to store
        the job URLs to disk, stop there, and continue later with monitor_batch_jobs_and_get_results.

        Note: as of this writing, you need to use parameters={'format': 'geojson'} to get results back that are
        consistent with the standard single-location geocoding endpoint. We have not made it a default for the
        batch version here to be consistent with Geoapify. But we strongly recommend to use GeoJSON.
        See for the GeoJSON specification and check the third party package geopandas to learn how
        to parse such objects for efficient analytics.

            geocodes: list of input locations as geocodes with a format supported by self.parse_geocodes.
            batch_len: split addresses into chunks of maximal size batch_len for parallel processing.
            parameters: optional parameters as dictionary. See the API documentation.
            simplify_output: if True, the output will be provided in a slightly simplified format.

            List of structured, reverse geocoded, and enriched address records.
        inputs = parse_geocodes(geocodes=geocodes)

        results = self._batch_archetype(api=API_REVERSE_GEOCODE, inputs=inputs, params=parameters, batch_len=batch_len)

        if simplify_output:
            return [res['result']['results'][0] for res in results]
            return results

    def places(self, individual_parameters: List[dict], parameters: dict = None, batch_len: int = 1000) -> List[dict]:
        """Returns batch places results as a list of dictionaries.

        Every Places call is defined by a set of parameters. See the Geoapify API docs to get an overview. In the
        batch version, we can provide those parameters in two arguments. `individual_parameters` is a list of
        dictionaries, one per call, which defines parameters applicable to individual calls. The `parameters` dictionary
        applies to all calls of the batch.

            individual_parameters: one dictionary per Places call.
            parameters: one dictionary with common parameters for all calls.
            batch_len: split calls into chunks of maximal size batch_len for parallel processing.

            List of structured Places responses.
        inputs = [{'params': params} for params in individual_parameters]

        return self._batch_archetype(api=API_PLACES, inputs=inputs, params=parameters, batch_len=batch_len)

    def place_details(self, place_ids: List[str] = None,
                      geocodes: List[Union[Tuple[float, float], Dict[str, float]]] = None,
                      batch_len: int = 1000, features: List[str] = None, language: str = None) -> List[dict]:
        """Returns batch place details results as a list of dictionaries.

        Note: this whole process may take long time (hours), depending on the size of the input, the number of
        batches, and the level of your subscription. In such a case, it may make more sense to store
        the job URLs to disk, stop there, and continue later with monitor_batch_jobs_and_get_results.

        Use either place_ids or geocodes to encode your inputs. place_ids is prioritized if both are not None.

        See the API docs for a list of available features.

            place_ids: list of place_id values.
            geocodes: list of input locations as geocodes with a format supported by self.parse_geocodes.
            batch_len: split addresses into chunks of maximal size batch_len for parallel processing.
            features: list of types of details. Defaults to just ["details"] if not specified.
            language: 2-character iso language code.

            List of structured, reverse geocoded, and enriched address records.
        if place_ids is not None:
            inputs = [{'params': {'id': val}} for val in place_ids]
        elif geocodes is not None:
            inputs = parse_geocodes(geocodes=geocodes)
            raise ValueError('Either place_ids or geocodes must be provided.')

        params = dict()
        if features is not None:
            params['features'] = ','.join(features)
        if language is not None:
            params['lang'] = language

        return self._batch_archetype(api=API_PLACE_DETAILS, inputs=inputs, params=params, batch_len=batch_len)

    def isoline(self, geocodes: List[Union[Tuple[float, float], Dict[str, float]]], travel_range: int,
                travel_mode: str = 'drive', isoline_type: str = 'time', batch_len: int = 1000,
                output_format: str = 'geojson') -> List[dict]:
        """Returns batch isoline results as a list of dictionaries.

            geocodes: list of input locations as geocodes with a format supported by self.parse_geocodes.
            travel_range: either travel time in seconds or travel distance in meters, depending on `isoline_type`.
            travel_mode: one of the many supported 'mode's - see the Geoapify API docs.
            isoline_type: either 'time' or 'distance'.
            batch_len: split addresses into chunks of maximal size batch_len for parallel processing.
            output_format: one of 'geojson', 'topojson', 'geobuf'.

            List of structured isoline records.
        inputs = parse_geocodes(geocodes=geocodes)
        params = {
            'type': isoline_type,
            'mode': travel_mode,
            'range': travel_range,
            'format': output_format

        return self._batch_archetype(api=API_ISOLINE, inputs=inputs, params=params, batch_len=batch_len)

    def post_batch_jobs_and_get_job_urls(self, api: str, inputs: List[Any],
                                         parameters: dict = None, batch_len: int = None) -> List[str]:
        """Triggers batch process on server and returns URLs to be used in GET requests for obtaining results.

        The returned URLs represent a batch each. There is a limit in batch size of 1000 which usually means we need
        to split our workload into multiple batches. But even if the size of our inputs is smaller than 1000, it can
        help to further limit the size of batches. Several smaller batches may be processed quicker than a few large

        Available api values:
        - geocoding: '/v1/geocode/search'
        - reverse geocoding: '/v1/geocode/reverse'
        - place details: '/v2/place-details'

            api: name of the batch enabled API - see above.
            inputs: list of locations to be processed by batch jobs.
            parameters: optional parameters - see the Geoapify API docs.
            batch_len: split addresses into chunks of maximal size batch_len for parallel processing.

            List of batch job URLs.
        if batch_len is None:
            batch_len = 1000
            batch_len = max(min(batch_len, 1000), 2)  # limit of 1000 dictated by API

        batches = []
        for i in range(math.ceil(len(inputs) / batch_len)):
            batches.append(inputs[i * batch_len:(i + 1) * batch_len])

        result_urls = []
        for i, batch in enumerate(batches):
            params = {'format': 'json'}
            if parameters is not None:
                params = {**params, **parameters}
            data = {
                'api': api,
                'params': params,
                'inputs': batch
                response =
                    get_api_url(api=API_BATCH, api_key=self._api_key), json=data, headers=self._headers)
            except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
                raise SystemExit(e)
            if response.status_code == 401:
                raise ValueError(response.content)
            elif response.status_code not in (200, 202):
                raise ValueError(f'Service responded with {response.content} - failed to create the job for batch {i}' +
                                 f' - check input range {i * batch_len}:{min((i + 1) * batch_len, len(inputs))}.')
            url = response.json()['url']

        return result_urls

    def monitor_batch_jobs_and_get_results(self, sleep_time: int, result_urls: List[str]) -> List[dict]:
        """Monitors completion of each batch processing job and returns/stores results.

        Previous POST requests started batch processing jobs on servers. Here we monitor the status and
        return/store results when all jobs succeeded.

            sleep_time: time in seconds to sleep between every request for a single job.
            result_urls: list of batch job URLs that are to be monitored.

            Batch job results as a list - one element per location.
        self._total_number_jobs = len(result_urls)
        sleep_time = max(sleep_time, 3)

        with ThreadPoolExecutor(min(10, len(result_urls))) as executor:
            results = x: self._task(url=x, sleep_time=sleep_time), result_urls)

        result_responses = []
        for result in results:
            result_responses += result

        return result_responses

    def _task(self, url: str, sleep_time: int) -> List[dict]:
        job_id = url.split('&apiKey')[0]
        while True:
            response = requests.get(url, headers=self._headers).json()
                _ = response['results']
                with self._lock:
                    self._number_completed_jobs += 1
                        f'Job {job_id} done - {self._number_completed_jobs}/{self._total_number_jobs} completed.')
            except KeyError:
                if response['status'] == 'pending':
          'Job {job_id} still pending - waiting another {sleep_time} seconds.')
                        f'Unexpected response from server: {response} - waiting another {sleep_time} seconds.')
        return response['results']

    def get_sleep_time(number_of_items: int) -> int:
        """Choose an appropriate sleep time between GET requests for a batch job.

            number_of_items: original number of items/addresses/locations/etc.

            Sleep time in seconds.
        return min(300, max(3, int(number_of_items ** 0.4)))

    def _batch_archetype(self, api: str, inputs: List[Any], params: dict, batch_len: int) -> List[dict]:

            api: one of the supported endpoints - see the Geoapify API docs.
            inputs: list of inputs, each element encoding a location.
            params: dictionary of attributes common across all inputs.
            batch_len: split addresses into chunks of maximal size batch_len for parallel processing.


        result_urls = self.post_batch_jobs_and_get_job_urls(
            api=api, inputs=inputs, parameters=params, batch_len=batch_len)

        sleep_time = self.get_sleep_time(number_of_items=len(inputs))
        return self.monitor_batch_jobs_and_get_results(sleep_time=sleep_time, result_urls=result_urls)

geocode(locations, batch_len=1000, parameters=None, simplify_output=False)

Returns batch geocoding results as a list of dictionaries.

Note: this whole process may take long time (hours), depending on the size of the input, the number of batches, and the level of your subscription. In such a case, it may make more sense to store the job URLs to disk, stop there, and continue later with monitor_batch_jobs_and_get_results.

Note: as of this writing, you need to use parameters={'format': 'geojson'} to get results back that are consistent with the standard single-location geocoding endpoint. We have not made it a default for the batch version here to be consistent with Geoapify. But we strongly recommend to use GeoJSON. See for the GeoJSON specification and check the third party package geopandas to learn how to parse such objects for efficient analytics.


Name Type Description Default
locations List[Union[str, Dict]]

locations in a supported format as validated in parse_geocoding_inputs.

batch_len int

split addresses into chunks of maximal size batch_len for parallel processing.

parameters Dict[str, str]

optional parameters as key value pairs that apply to all locations. See the Geoapify docs.

simplify_output bool

if True, returns output in simplified format, including only top match per address.



Type Description

List of structured, geocoded, and enriched address records.

Source code in geobatchpy/
def geocode(self, locations: List[Union[str, Dict]], batch_len: int = 1000, parameters: Dict[str, str] = None,
            simplify_output: bool = False) -> List[dict]:
    """Returns batch geocoding results as a list of dictionaries.

    Note: this whole process may take long time (hours), depending on the size of the input, the number of
    batches, and the level of your subscription. In such a case, it may make more sense to store
    the job URLs to disk, stop there, and continue later with monitor_batch_jobs_and_get_results.

    Note: as of this writing, you need to use parameters={'format': 'geojson'} to get results back that are
    consistent with the standard single-location geocoding endpoint. We have not made it a default for the
    batch version here to be consistent with Geoapify. But we strongly recommend to use GeoJSON.
    See for the GeoJSON specification and check the third party package geopandas to learn how
    to parse such objects for efficient analytics.

        locations: locations in a supported format as validated in parse_geocoding_inputs.
        batch_len: split addresses into chunks of maximal size batch_len for parallel processing.
        parameters: optional parameters as key value pairs that apply to all locations. See the Geoapify docs.
        simplify_output: if True, returns output in simplified format, including only top match per address.

        List of structured, geocoded, and enriched address records.
    inputs = parse_geocoding_inputs(locations=locations)

    results = self._batch_archetype(api=API_GEOCODE, inputs=inputs, params=parameters, batch_len=batch_len)

    if simplify_output:
        input_format = 'json' if parameters.get('format') is None else parameters['format']
        return simplify_batch_geocoding_results(results=results, input_format=input_format)
        return results

get_sleep_time(number_of_items) staticmethod

Choose an appropriate sleep time between GET requests for a batch job.


Name Type Description Default
number_of_items int

original number of items/addresses/locations/etc.



Type Description

Sleep time in seconds.

Source code in geobatchpy/
def get_sleep_time(number_of_items: int) -> int:
    """Choose an appropriate sleep time between GET requests for a batch job.

        number_of_items: original number of items/addresses/locations/etc.

        Sleep time in seconds.
    return min(300, max(3, int(number_of_items ** 0.4)))

isoline(geocodes, travel_range, travel_mode='drive', isoline_type='time', batch_len=1000, output_format='geojson')

Returns batch isoline results as a list of dictionaries.


Name Type Description Default
geocodes List[Union[Tuple[float, float], Dict[str, float]]]

list of input locations as geocodes with a format supported by self.parse_geocodes.

travel_range int

either travel time in seconds or travel distance in meters, depending on isoline_type.

travel_mode str

one of the many supported 'mode's - see the Geoapify API docs.

isoline_type str

either 'time' or 'distance'.

batch_len int

split addresses into chunks of maximal size batch_len for parallel processing.

output_format str

one of 'geojson', 'topojson', 'geobuf'.



Type Description

List of structured isoline records.

Source code in geobatchpy/
def isoline(self, geocodes: List[Union[Tuple[float, float], Dict[str, float]]], travel_range: int,
            travel_mode: str = 'drive', isoline_type: str = 'time', batch_len: int = 1000,
            output_format: str = 'geojson') -> List[dict]:
    """Returns batch isoline results as a list of dictionaries.

        geocodes: list of input locations as geocodes with a format supported by self.parse_geocodes.
        travel_range: either travel time in seconds or travel distance in meters, depending on `isoline_type`.
        travel_mode: one of the many supported 'mode's - see the Geoapify API docs.
        isoline_type: either 'time' or 'distance'.
        batch_len: split addresses into chunks of maximal size batch_len for parallel processing.
        output_format: one of 'geojson', 'topojson', 'geobuf'.

        List of structured isoline records.
    inputs = parse_geocodes(geocodes=geocodes)
    params = {
        'type': isoline_type,
        'mode': travel_mode,
        'range': travel_range,
        'format': output_format

    return self._batch_archetype(api=API_ISOLINE, inputs=inputs, params=params, batch_len=batch_len)

monitor_batch_jobs_and_get_results(sleep_time, result_urls)

Monitors completion of each batch processing job and returns/stores results.

Previous POST requests started batch processing jobs on servers. Here we monitor the status and return/store results when all jobs succeeded.


Name Type Description Default
sleep_time int

time in seconds to sleep between every request for a single job.

result_urls List[str]

list of batch job URLs that are to be monitored.



Type Description

Batch job results as a list - one element per location.

Source code in geobatchpy/
def monitor_batch_jobs_and_get_results(self, sleep_time: int, result_urls: List[str]) -> List[dict]:
    """Monitors completion of each batch processing job and returns/stores results.

    Previous POST requests started batch processing jobs on servers. Here we monitor the status and
    return/store results when all jobs succeeded.

        sleep_time: time in seconds to sleep between every request for a single job.
        result_urls: list of batch job URLs that are to be monitored.

        Batch job results as a list - one element per location.
    self._total_number_jobs = len(result_urls)
    sleep_time = max(sleep_time, 3)

    with ThreadPoolExecutor(min(10, len(result_urls))) as executor:
        results = x: self._task(url=x, sleep_time=sleep_time), result_urls)

    result_responses = []
    for result in results:
        result_responses += result

    return result_responses

place_details(place_ids=None, geocodes=None, batch_len=1000, features=None, language=None)

Returns batch place details results as a list of dictionaries.

Note: this whole process may take long time (hours), depending on the size of the input, the number of batches, and the level of your subscription. In such a case, it may make more sense to store the job URLs to disk, stop there, and continue later with monitor_batch_jobs_and_get_results.

Use either place_ids or geocodes to encode your inputs. place_ids is prioritized if both are not None.

See the API docs for a list of available features.


Name Type Description Default
place_ids List[str]

list of place_id values.

geocodes List[Union[Tuple[float, float], Dict[str, float]]]

list of input locations as geocodes with a format supported by self.parse_geocodes.

batch_len int

split addresses into chunks of maximal size batch_len for parallel processing.

features List[str]

list of types of details. Defaults to just ["details"] if not specified.

language str

2-character iso language code.



Type Description

List of structured, reverse geocoded, and enriched address records.

Source code in geobatchpy/
def place_details(self, place_ids: List[str] = None,
                  geocodes: List[Union[Tuple[float, float], Dict[str, float]]] = None,
                  batch_len: int = 1000, features: List[str] = None, language: str = None) -> List[dict]:
    """Returns batch place details results as a list of dictionaries.

    Note: this whole process may take long time (hours), depending on the size of the input, the number of
    batches, and the level of your subscription. In such a case, it may make more sense to store
    the job URLs to disk, stop there, and continue later with monitor_batch_jobs_and_get_results.

    Use either place_ids or geocodes to encode your inputs. place_ids is prioritized if both are not None.

    See the API docs for a list of available features.

        place_ids: list of place_id values.
        geocodes: list of input locations as geocodes with a format supported by self.parse_geocodes.
        batch_len: split addresses into chunks of maximal size batch_len for parallel processing.
        features: list of types of details. Defaults to just ["details"] if not specified.
        language: 2-character iso language code.

        List of structured, reverse geocoded, and enriched address records.
    if place_ids is not None:
        inputs = [{'params': {'id': val}} for val in place_ids]
    elif geocodes is not None:
        inputs = parse_geocodes(geocodes=geocodes)
        raise ValueError('Either place_ids or geocodes must be provided.')

    params = dict()
    if features is not None:
        params['features'] = ','.join(features)
    if language is not None:
        params['lang'] = language

    return self._batch_archetype(api=API_PLACE_DETAILS, inputs=inputs, params=params, batch_len=batch_len)

places(individual_parameters, parameters=None, batch_len=1000)

Returns batch places results as a list of dictionaries.

Every Places call is defined by a set of parameters. See the Geoapify API docs to get an overview. In the batch version, we can provide those parameters in two arguments. individual_parameters is a list of dictionaries, one per call, which defines parameters applicable to individual calls. The parameters dictionary applies to all calls of the batch.


Name Type Description Default
individual_parameters List[dict]

one dictionary per Places call.

parameters dict

one dictionary with common parameters for all calls.

batch_len int

split calls into chunks of maximal size batch_len for parallel processing.



Type Description

List of structured Places responses.

Source code in geobatchpy/
def places(self, individual_parameters: List[dict], parameters: dict = None, batch_len: int = 1000) -> List[dict]:
    """Returns batch places results as a list of dictionaries.

    Every Places call is defined by a set of parameters. See the Geoapify API docs to get an overview. In the
    batch version, we can provide those parameters in two arguments. `individual_parameters` is a list of
    dictionaries, one per call, which defines parameters applicable to individual calls. The `parameters` dictionary
    applies to all calls of the batch.

        individual_parameters: one dictionary per Places call.
        parameters: one dictionary with common parameters for all calls.
        batch_len: split calls into chunks of maximal size batch_len for parallel processing.

        List of structured Places responses.
    inputs = [{'params': params} for params in individual_parameters]

    return self._batch_archetype(api=API_PLACES, inputs=inputs, params=parameters, batch_len=batch_len)

post_batch_jobs_and_get_job_urls(api, inputs, parameters=None, batch_len=None)

Triggers batch process on server and returns URLs to be used in GET requests for obtaining results.

The returned URLs represent a batch each. There is a limit in batch size of 1000 which usually means we need to split our workload into multiple batches. But even if the size of our inputs is smaller than 1000, it can help to further limit the size of batches. Several smaller batches may be processed quicker than a few large ones.

Available api values: - geocoding: '/v1/geocode/search' - reverse geocoding: '/v1/geocode/reverse' - place details: '/v2/place-details'


Name Type Description Default
api str

name of the batch enabled API - see above.

inputs List[Any]

list of locations to be processed by batch jobs.

parameters dict

optional parameters - see the Geoapify API docs.

batch_len int

split addresses into chunks of maximal size batch_len for parallel processing.



Type Description

List of batch job URLs.

Source code in geobatchpy/
def post_batch_jobs_and_get_job_urls(self, api: str, inputs: List[Any],
                                     parameters: dict = None, batch_len: int = None) -> List[str]:
    """Triggers batch process on server and returns URLs to be used in GET requests for obtaining results.

    The returned URLs represent a batch each. There is a limit in batch size of 1000 which usually means we need
    to split our workload into multiple batches. But even if the size of our inputs is smaller than 1000, it can
    help to further limit the size of batches. Several smaller batches may be processed quicker than a few large

    Available api values:
    - geocoding: '/v1/geocode/search'
    - reverse geocoding: '/v1/geocode/reverse'
    - place details: '/v2/place-details'

        api: name of the batch enabled API - see above.
        inputs: list of locations to be processed by batch jobs.
        parameters: optional parameters - see the Geoapify API docs.
        batch_len: split addresses into chunks of maximal size batch_len for parallel processing.

        List of batch job URLs.
    if batch_len is None:
        batch_len = 1000
        batch_len = max(min(batch_len, 1000), 2)  # limit of 1000 dictated by API

    batches = []
    for i in range(math.ceil(len(inputs) / batch_len)):
        batches.append(inputs[i * batch_len:(i + 1) * batch_len])

    result_urls = []
    for i, batch in enumerate(batches):
        params = {'format': 'json'}
        if parameters is not None:
            params = {**params, **parameters}
        data = {
            'api': api,
            'params': params,
            'inputs': batch
            response =
                get_api_url(api=API_BATCH, api_key=self._api_key), json=data, headers=self._headers)
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
            raise SystemExit(e)
        if response.status_code == 401:
            raise ValueError(response.content)
        elif response.status_code not in (200, 202):
            raise ValueError(f'Service responded with {response.content} - failed to create the job for batch {i}' +
                             f' - check input range {i * batch_len}:{min((i + 1) * batch_len, len(inputs))}.')
        url = response.json()['url']

    return result_urls

reverse_geocode(geocodes, batch_len=1000, parameters=None, simplify_output=False)

Returns batch reverse geocoding results as a list of dictionaries.

Note: this whole process may take long time (hours), depending on the size of the input, the number of batches, and the level of your subscription. In such a case, it may make more sense to store the job URLs to disk, stop there, and continue later with monitor_batch_jobs_and_get_results.

Note: as of this writing, you need to use parameters={'format': 'geojson'} to get results back that are consistent with the standard single-location geocoding endpoint. We have not made it a default for the batch version here to be consistent with Geoapify. But we strongly recommend to use GeoJSON. See for the GeoJSON specification and check the third party package geopandas to learn how to parse such objects for efficient analytics.


Name Type Description Default
geocodes List[Union[Tuple[float, float], Dict[str, float]]]

list of input locations as geocodes with a format supported by self.parse_geocodes.

batch_len int

split addresses into chunks of maximal size batch_len for parallel processing.

parameters Dict[str, str]

optional parameters as dictionary. See the API documentation.

simplify_output bool

if True, the output will be provided in a slightly simplified format.



Type Description

List of structured, reverse geocoded, and enriched address records.

Source code in geobatchpy/
def reverse_geocode(self, geocodes: List[Union[Tuple[float, float], Dict[str, float]]], batch_len: int = 1000,
                    parameters: Dict[str, str] = None, simplify_output: bool = False) -> List[dict]:
    """Returns batch reverse geocoding results as a list of dictionaries.

    Note: this whole process may take long time (hours), depending on the size of the input, the number of
    batches, and the level of your subscription. In such a case, it may make more sense to store
    the job URLs to disk, stop there, and continue later with monitor_batch_jobs_and_get_results.

    Note: as of this writing, you need to use parameters={'format': 'geojson'} to get results back that are
    consistent with the standard single-location geocoding endpoint. We have not made it a default for the
    batch version here to be consistent with Geoapify. But we strongly recommend to use GeoJSON.
    See for the GeoJSON specification and check the third party package geopandas to learn how
    to parse such objects for efficient analytics.

        geocodes: list of input locations as geocodes with a format supported by self.parse_geocodes.
        batch_len: split addresses into chunks of maximal size batch_len for parallel processing.
        parameters: optional parameters as dictionary. See the API documentation.
        simplify_output: if True, the output will be provided in a slightly simplified format.

        List of structured, reverse geocoded, and enriched address records.
    inputs = parse_geocodes(geocodes=geocodes)

    results = self._batch_archetype(api=API_REVERSE_GEOCODE, inputs=inputs, params=parameters, batch_len=batch_len)

    if simplify_output:
        return [res['result']['results'][0] for res in results]
        return results


Validate and parse lists of geocoordinates.

Supported formats: - List of (longitude, latitude) tuples as floats. - List of dictionaries, with each containing attributes 'lon' and 'lat'.


Name Type Description Default
geocodes List[Union[Tuple[float, float], Dict[str, float]]]

original input.



Type Description

parsed geocodes.

Source code in geobatchpy/
def parse_geocodes(geocodes: List[Union[Tuple[float, float], Dict[str, float]]]) -> List[dict]:
    """Validate and parse lists of geocoordinates.

    Supported formats:
    - List of (longitude, latitude) tuples as floats.
    - List of dictionaries, with each containing attributes 'lon' and 'lat'.

        geocodes: original input.

        parsed geocodes.
    if all(len(val) == 2 and isinstance(val[0], float) and isinstance(val[1], float) for val in geocodes):
        # Interpreted as (longitude, latitude) tuples:
        return [{'params': {'lon': val[0], 'lat': val[1]}} for val in geocodes]
    elif all(isinstance(val, dict) for val in geocodes):
        return [{'params': val} for val in geocodes]
        raise ValueError('Format of \'geocodes\' not supported.')


Validate and parse the input for the batch geocoding API.

Supported formats: - List of free text search strings. - List of dictionaries with structured location definition. See the Geoapify API docs for forward geocoding.


Name Type Description Default
locations List[Union[str, dict]]

original input.



Type Description

Parsed locations.

Source code in geobatchpy/
def parse_geocoding_inputs(locations: List[Union[str, dict]]) -> List[dict]:
    """Validate and parse the input for the batch geocoding API.

    Supported formats:
    - List of free text search strings.
    - List of dictionaries with structured location definition. See the Geoapify API docs for forward geocoding.

        locations: original input.

        Parsed locations.
    if all(isinstance(val, str) for val in locations):
        # Then this is a list of free text search strings:
        return [{'params': {'text': val}} for val in locations]
    elif all(isinstance(val, dict) for val in locations):
        # Then it must be a structured input - see the Geoapify API docs.
        return [{'params': dictionary} for dictionary in locations]
        raise ValueError('Format of \'locations\' not supported.')

simplify_batch_geocoding_results(results, input_format)

Simplifies the output of a batch geocoding response.

This function takes the rather verbose response of the batch geocoding service as input and returns a more lightweight version, preserving the most relevant information. Try pandas.json_normalize on the output to see how easy it becomes to convert the JSON into a data table.


Name Type Description Default
results List[dict]

Dictionary of results as returned by Client.batch.geocode.

input_format str

Either 'json' (default) or 'geojson'. See the Geoapify API docs, geocoding, parameter format.



Type Description

A lightweight, reshaped version of the original results.

Source code in geobatchpy/
def simplify_batch_geocoding_results(results: List[dict], input_format: str) -> List[dict]:
    """Simplifies the output of a batch geocoding response.

    This function takes the rather verbose response of the batch geocoding service as input and returns a more
    lightweight version, preserving the most relevant information. Try pandas.json_normalize on the output to
    see how easy it becomes to convert the JSON into a data table.

        results: Dictionary of results as returned by Client.batch.geocode.
        input_format: Either 'json' (default) or 'geojson'. See the Geoapify API docs, geocoding, parameter `format`.

        A lightweight, reshaped version of the original results.
    if input_format == 'json':
        inner_name = 'results'
    elif input_format == 'geojson':
        inner_name = 'features'
        raise ValueError(f'Argument \'input_format={input_format}\' not supported - use one of \'json\', \'geojson\'.')

    return [{**res['result'][inner_name][0], 'query': res['result']['query']}
            if inner_name in res['result'] and len(res['result'][inner_name]) > 0 else
            {**res['result'], 'query': res['params']['text']}
            for res in results]


Simplifies the output of a batch place details response to a list of lists of GeoJSON feature-like dicts.

The batch Place Details API takes as input locations plus feature types, and responds with Place details for every combination of the two inputs, provided there is a match.

This function parses the rather verbose results object and parses it into a more lightweight list of lists of dictionaries.

  • A single element of the outer list corresponds to a single location.
  • A single element of the inner list corresponds to a single feature type of a single location.
  • Every such innermost element is a Python dictionary which effectively is a GeoJSON feature.

See for a specification of the GeoJSON format. For you that means, you can use third party packages like geopandas and shapely to parse the output of this function and analyze these objects with sophisticated opensource packages for geographic data science.


Name Type Description Default
results List[dict]

Dictionary of results as returned by Client.batch.place_details.



Type Description

A lightweight, reshaped version of the original results.

Source code in geobatchpy/
def simplify_batch_place_details_results(results: List[dict]) -> List[List[dict]]:
    """Simplifies the output of a batch place details response to a list of lists of GeoJSON feature-like dicts.

    The batch Place Details API takes as input locations plus feature types, and responds with Place details
    for every combination of the two inputs, provided there is a match.

    This function parses the rather verbose `results` object and parses it into a more lightweight list of lists of

    - A single element of the outer list corresponds to a single location.
    - A single element of the inner list corresponds to a single feature type of a single location.
    - Every such innermost element is a Python dictionary which effectively is a GeoJSON feature.

    See for a specification of the GeoJSON format. For you that means, you can use third party
    packages like geopandas and shapely to parse the output of this function and analyze these objects with
    sophisticated opensource packages for geographic data science.

        results: Dictionary of results as returned by Client.batch.place_details.

        A lightweight, reshaped version of the original results.
    return [res['result']['features']
            if 'features' in res['result'] and len(res['result']['features']) > 0 else []
            for res in results]